
5 Expert-Level Tips for a Successful Remote Job Search

With COVID-19’s implementation, work-from-home jobs have seen an explosion in popularity. Finding one that best matches your skills and personality requires more preparation than simply filling out applications online. If you’re ready to get serious about finding an entirely remote role that meets them all, here are five expert-level tips that will strengthen your applications, impress hiring teams, and land you that dream job you’ve been waiting for!

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5 Expert-Level Tips for a Successful Remote Job Search

1. Take Time to Evaluate Your Strengths and Weaknesses

It can be tempting when searching for new employment to focus solely on what makes us great, but in order to be successful at landing remote work you must honestly assess both your strengths (and weaknesses). Make a list of both hard and soft skills you possess before researching positions which require these specific competencies and ensuring your resume demonstrates them effectively.

2. Locate a Remote Job Board

Before investing the effort required to find and apply for remote positions, be sure to visit websites dedicated specifically to work-from-home positions like FlexJobs and Let’sWorkRemotely that specialize exclusively in work-from-home opportunities from well-known companies like Apple, Dell and Xerox. Furthermore, both websites feature a community of remote workers which you can join via social media networks in order to network with recruiters as well as other work-from-home professionals.

3. Demonstrate a Strong Work Ethic

A great remote interviewer wants to see that you have the self-starter ability to operate without constant supervision, so one way of showing this would be including any personal projects completed during your free time as part of your resume, such as articles you have written for yourself or freelance graphic design projects from years gone by. Remember, many remote jobs require employees who enjoy what they’re doing!

4. Keep Your LinkedIn Profile Current

Although this might be obvious, it’s vital that your LinkedIn profile accurately reflects the remote-work status of each position you apply for and incorporate remote-work buzzwords and professional headshots to distinguish yourself from competition.

5. Provide Reasons Why You Would Make an Effective Remote Employee

One of the primary factors why people fail to secure work-from-home positions is due to an inability to effectively convey why they would make good remote employees, particularly candidates who have spent most of their career working in an office setting. Hiring managers are likely to ask why you would make a suitable remote candidate; be ready to answer this question thoroughly when asked by hiring managers.

Remote job markets are quickly expanding, and more and more employers are providing flexible work arrangements to attract job candidates. But to make sure you apply to positions at top companies and apply successfully for them. Here are a few key tips for successfully applying to remote positions!

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