
6 Tips For Improving Remote Work Team Collaboration

Remote collaboration has enabled people to stay in touch with colleagues no matter where they’re located. From office cubicles to WeWork conference rooms, teams can still stay focused and work effectively as long as all members use appropriate communication tools. This requires creating clear guidelines around which apps the team will utilize for personal messaging as well as meeting times/locations/length. It is also important to emphasize consistent communications as sending a quick chat message may seem like an efficient way to get someone’s attention but may in fact cause further miscommunication or lead to unexpected results.

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Example: Your team member might not always be available or may be on vacation at the time of your request for help, so it’s essential that your team understands that sending a quick chat message might not provide enough information – this requires scheduling a phone call or video conference instead. In addition, agree on a protocol for when and how best to reach out during these times, along with efficient ways of getting answers quickly.

An effective team needs a single source of truth – an information repository with all of their project documentation, meeting notes, assets and assets – in one central place for easy accessing resources needed for productivity. Videos may also prove more efficient at communicating complex concepts or processes than endless back-and-forth in chat conversations.

Team building activities should include engaging in activities that promote team unity. These could include anything from creating an icebreaker photo collage to building something together such as pasta art or an epic pillow fort. At MURAL, a remote-first company that has developed its own digital whiteboard tool, there are plenty of fun ways for members of a team to get involved – like Donut, an Slack extension that pairs teammates up and prompts them with questions like ‘what is your preferred breakfast food?”.

The key to successful remote team collaboration lies in having the appropriate systems and cultivating a collaborative culture. When equipped with the appropriate tools, teams can work effectively from anywhere around the world without compromising quality or productivity. This article features seven tips along with Visme templates to make the transition to remote working easier – remember that more effective remote collaboration will mean happier and more engaged employees, leading to greater business success for you!

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