
Shopify Emails Not Sending SOLVED

Email marketing is an integral component of Shopify stores’ online presence; however, when emails end up in spam folders or are marked suspicious by email providers it can damage their domain reputation and jeopardise sales. Sometime trader can faces an issue such “emails not sending”

To avoid this situation, it’s essential that your email tools are compatible with Shopify – this includes signup forms integrated directly with the platform as well as contact syncing capabilities.


Verify your email address

Email verification is an integral component of a successful email marketing strategy, providing the ability to confirm the validity of your list while helping prevent emails from ending up in spam folders and increasing deliverability rates – meaning more customers see and respond to your messages and take appropriate actions.

There are various methods of collecting customer emails on Shopify. One is by adding a newsletter signup section to your website; this allows customers to stay in touch and strengthen brand loyalty. Another approach would be offering customers who subscribed a discount when subscribing. Alternatively, an app that verifies email addresses at checkout may also help.

Once you’ve collected customer emails, you can send automated marketing emails. These might include abandoned cart emails, order updates and re-engagement campaigns. In addition to automated emails, manual emails may also be sent directly to individual customers.

Check your SMTP server settings

Email marketing should be part of every Shopify store owner’s marketing strategy, as it helps build brand recognition, drive sales and enhance customer service. In order to make sure that emails reach their intended destination inboxes successfully it is crucial to follow best practices and avoid spam trigger words.

Make sure your SMTP server settings are valid regularly by logging into your email manager and going directly to the SMTP tab – here, you will find information such as server address and port number for use by TXT records instead of SPF records (e.g. “TXT record all” instead of SPF record v=spf1 “).

Reducing the number of unsubscribes helps avoid sending emails into Spam folders and should be done regularly by removing customers who haven’t opened or clicked your emails in an extended period of time.

Add a physical postal address to your emails

Under the CAN-SPAM Act, a physical postal address is necessary for improving traceability. This helps email recipients determine whether an unsolicited marketing email is legitimate or spam. You can rent a PO box from either your local post office or UPS store as your mailing address for your store.

To ensure that your emails reach their recipients, try to avoid file attachments and write catchy subject lines instead of attaching files. Furthermore, use only verified domains as this helps build goodwill within the industry and increase your odds of having subscribers open your emails.

Additionally, you should avoid using spam trigger words in your emails. For instance, words such as ‘Congratulations! You have received or won!’ can be perceived by some customers as scams – these phrases are commonly associated with phishing scams meant to acquire personal information like credit card details from vulnerable victims.

Verify and authenticate your Shopify domain

Email marketing is an indispensable resource for connecting with and growing your audience and business. Email can be used to inform prospects about special offers or discounts, drive website traffic and foster brand loyalty; with careful planning and implementation coupled with continuous optimization based on analytics, email campaigns can achieve outstanding results.

Integrating your domain to an email hosting service is an integral step towards building trust with customers and ensuring emails reach the right recipients. While the exact process varies by third-party ESP, usually this involves adding TXT records or CNAME records to your DNS settings for your domain.

Once this step has been completed, your ESP should send a verification email. If multiple copies appear in your spam folder or inbox, contact your ESP for additional help. Once verified, your domain will appear as connected on the Domains Overview page.

You can reach out a detailed guide by Shopify with this page.

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