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Error Handling and Troubleshooting

Error handling is the practice of responding to the risk that your software might fail. It involves identifying what could go wrong with your code, then devising strategies to deal with any potential errors; such as checking for and correcting common ones.

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Error Handling and Troubleshooting

Coding mistakes are all too easy, from mistyping or not writing something as the computer expects, to errors in spelling and syntax that require checking by a friend/colleague. Errors can also arise when working with flawed input data or trying to do too much with one piece of code at once, making it necessary to split your code up into smaller functions that can be tested independently.

Programming languages enable programmers to incorporate try…catch statements that allow them to manage exceptions in their code instead of letting an unhandled error cause its app to crash entirely. Because of this, it’s essential to be consistent when it comes to naming exceptions, so everyone working on any given piece of code understands which error it might be experiencing.

Large-scale software systems will never be 100% bug-free; however, with a thorough testing suite and error monitoring system in place, most major bugs should be caught before reaching production and issues that might have slipped through might also be identified more effectively. With full visibility into exceptions and effective ways of identifying them in place, your efforts can focus on providing your users with a superior user experience rather than striving towards an impossible dream of 100% bug-free software systems.

Establishing an error tracking and response system can be as easy as linking the front-end and back-end components together to display pop-up error messages for your end-users, or it can become more complex if third-party APIs need to be connected with. Many third-party APIs will return standard error codes that you can use to create messages for your user. This information is stored in an object called integratorErrors, which your front-end can retrieve by querying the response entity and extracting both error code and message from its response entity. Once combined together into one message for display to users, this helps troubleshoot and resolve issues more quickly and efficiently – an example is provided below in Unqork integration for Stripe API integration.

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