
How Did Turkey Become Poor?

In this article, we will make general observations based on our research on Turkey, without making use of the data. In recent years, Turkey has become a much poorer country due to the rise of the dollar exchange rate and the taxes that have begun to weigh heavily on the people. We have good news for business people who are planning to invest here from abroad. Thanks to the cheap labor force, it is possible to use Turkey’s hardworking people much cheaper. 

If we take a quick glance since history, it seems that this country has never been able to achieve economic stability. In the first years of the Republic of Turkey, thanks to the reforms made by the leader named Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, the country’s welfare level increased. When we look at the current situation, it seems exactly the opposite. Because of the AKP government, most people in this country now live below the hunger line. It would be much more correct to call this seemingly democratic party a regime of thieves. People have difficulty in living because of the restrictive and despotic administration. 

To summarize, Turkey is now one of the Middle Eastern countries, both economically and economically. The difference between the rich and the poor in the country has taken a gap. When we look at it, it will be preferred only for holidays and cheap labor.

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