
How to Earn Money From Google AdSense Step by Step

how to earn money from google adsense step by step

How to Earn Money From Google AdSense Step by Step

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Google AdSense is a free program that enables website owners to display ads on their websites and make money when visitors click them, making it an incredibly effective method of monetising any website or blog. In this article, we’ll show you step by step how to make money with google AdSense.

Create a Google Account: Firstly, to participate in AdSense you will need an active Google account. Next step? Navigating to the AdSense signup page and following its instructions to fill out all required data. Upon submitting, Google will review your website against their quality standards to approve or decline membership into their program; when approved you’ll receive an Ad code to include into your website.

Once your code has been installed, Google can take several hours or a day to start placing ads on your website. When these appear, it’s up to you to monitor results and adjust any settings as necessary; for instance if clicks are increasing without increasing revenue then perhaps tweaking placement or format may help improve results.

If you want to maximize your earning potential, Auto-Ads may also be worth exploring. This feature automatically places Google ads based on the content of your pages – increasing revenue significantly if your site receives high traffic levels. But be warned – Auto-Ads can lead to fraudulent clicks and may result in being banned from AdSense altogether!

To maximize Google AdSense earnings, it is critical that your ads are optimized as much as possible. One effective strategy for doing this is testing different ad configurations against one another to see which perform best without impacting user experience too much. You can use AdSense experiment’s Placements/Formats comparison feature to test different combinations against each other – helping determine what ones work for your website best while eliminating those that should be avoided altogether.

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