
Remote Work Solutions for the COVID-19 Pandemic

Even during a pandemic, most people expect to return to work as normal after COVID-19’s outbreak. That may involve returning to their traditional office locations; or it might mean working remotely in different ways – for instance, some employees might work from home for most of the week and commute into meetings at their office one day each week.

You can check out other also tips for remote work with us!

Remote Work Solutions for the COVID-19 Pandemic

No matter the nature of your remote work situation, tools are needed to facilitate keeping you and your team connected and productive. Here are some remote work solutions worth evaluating:

While many employees might dread meetings under normal circumstances, the COVID-19 Pulse of HR found that frequent and short meetings can increase productivity. According to respondent responses, frequent team huddles and structured mechanisms for sharing best practices on working remotely were among some of the most helpful support mechanisms provided by their companies during crisis situations.

Beating off any miscommunication among team members is crucial, particularly if they work remotely. One effective solution for that is using project management software like Hypercontext which connects seamlessly with Google Suite, Slack, Chrome and more for seamless collaboration. You can even integrate it with your calendar so you can monitor objectives, meetings and morale all from one convenient dashboard.

One way to improve remote work is investing in audio and video conferencing tools, like Krisp, which works seamlessly with Zoom, Skype and other communications apps to make conference calls much more productive by eliminating background noise – helping participants focus on what’s being discussed while making sure everyone can hear every word being spoken out loud.

Global remote workers tend to work across multiple time zones, making it important for them to utilize an effective time zone tool in order to stay on top of their tasks and schedule meetings efficiently. World Time Buddy provides this essential functionality with its world clock, meeting scheduler, and remote work timer all built into its mobile and web app interfaces.


Ensuring remote team members remain as productive as possible is vital to maintaining productivity and morale. Todoist is a simple yet lightweight task tracking app with features such as notes, upload files and reminders that help keep productivity on track. Plus there’s even a productivity chart to keep an eye on everything!

Time Doctor offers another solution to remote work by tracking team performance with team time-tracking tools such as Time Doctor. It provides your team with a clear overview of their performance while holding them accountable for their working hours, with desktop, mobile and chrome extensions that keep remote teams productive no matter where they may be located. Plus you can try it for free for yourself or see if other similar tools (Hubstaff or RescueTime) better suit your needs!

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