
Remote Work Technology and the COVID-19 Pandemic

During the pandemic, many employees chose remote work rather than commute into the office, leading companies that rely on this strategy to save both on rent and utilities, and access an expanded pool of talent from anywhere worldwide.

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remote work

Some employers were initially wary of remote work; however, many have quickly come to appreciate its advantages for both themselves and their employees. Remote work has quickly become the norm among many companies over the last decade; however not all have the infrastructure or technology in place to support it; not all offices offer high-bandwidth internet or collaboration tools. Luckily, remote work technology makes team meetings and communication much simpler than before.

Employees now have access to their company resources and communicate with colleagues from any device, using centralized collaboration platforms like Dropbox to share files, have audio/video calls, or use screen-sharing apps such as Teamviewer to share their computer screen with team members – an incredible advancement that allows teams to work together regardless of physical distance between members.

Remote work technology enables companies to effectively manage employees who aren’t physically present by keeping them up-to-date on what’s happening at work and helping workers stay on task, so as not to fall behind.

As much as some employees may miss the social interactions and physical presence of a workplace, most agree it would not be worth their while to give up their jobs for. Furthermore, remote work has enabled employees to maintain a healthier work-life balance and save time on morning routine. They now spend more time with family, friends, hobbies, etc. which has translated to better customer service and improved business performance overall.

Setting ground rules and protocols for remote work is key to building trust between members. This should include using software programs to enable open lines of communication as well as setting a schedule when team members should check-in with one another. Furthermore, creating structured methods of commemorating wins and milestones may be beneficial.

COVID-19 taught organizations a lesson: they need to establish greater consistency and predictability in operations when managing a large remote workforce. Furthermore, management needed to adjust how they measured performance and productivity – digital tools provided a trail that allowed them to track work activities more easily than before.

Remote work has provided businesses with several benefits beyond cost and efficiency savings; most notably the creation of jobs globally. CodeMonk’s move toward remote work allowed it to hire talented freelance developers from around the globe and Train4TradeSkills’ virtual reality training platform has given trade trainees such as plumbers an opportunity to develop their skills safely in a controlled environment.

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