
How to Change Shopify Domain Name Free

We will learn how to change your Shopify domain name without negatively affecting SEO. It’s an easy and straightforward process that can be completed within minutes.

Shopify automatically assigns each new store a URL; however, if you prefer using your own domain instead of that provided by Shopify or another domain registrar, an annual registration fee must be paid to register it with them or another registrar.

If your domain name is unavailable, you might get a message back about brokering the domain. This means the domain name is taken, but the registrar offers a service where they’ll negotiate with the domain owner on your behalf to try and get them to sell it to you.

Although snagging your top domain name choice might sound enticing, it’s important to understand the risks associated with attempting to broker a domain name.

Broker service fees are paid in addition to domain registration fees, even if the current domain owner is unwilling to sell the domain. The process can be time-consuming and delay the launch of your store. And even if the current owner does make an offer, it’s likely to be far more expensive than just purchasing an available domain.


1. Log in to your Shopify account

Domain names serve as the gateway to your website on the internet and should be easy for people to remember and spell. They should also make it easy for potential visitors to your site to locate you quickly.

There are various methods available to you for changing the domain name of your store, whether connecting an existing domain or buying one new. Each one requires various steps but should all be straightforward. Doing this can help build brand recognition among your target market while making your website easier to find and more professional looking.

2. Go to Online Store

Establishing your business with its own domain can help create an image of professionalism. Customers will find your store more easily than if using subdomains, while it also looks more impressive to customers.

Shopify offers both new domains for purchase as well as connecting an existing one that you already own – find the option that meets your business needs best!

If you are purchasing a new domain name, be sure to confirm if it offers WHOIS privacy – keeping your personal details out of public registries – before clicking Purchase to finalise the transaction.

3. Go to Domains

Shopify allows you to customize both the name of your store and domain. This feature helps keep brand consistency, making it easier for customers to recall it later.

Choose either to connect an existing domain, or purchase a new one. When connecting existing ones, this could take up to 48 hours for their name to change; be sure to notify any social media influencers so they do not publish broken links in their content.

Purchasing a domain will typically cost $20 annually and include basic features like email and forwarding.

4. Find the domain you want to change

Reasons for changing your domain name could range from rebranding efforts, new business ventures or simply no longer liking the current one.

Once you’ve located the domain you wish to edit, click its three-dot symbol for more options. This will open a menu with many choices for changing its setting.

Clicking the Buy new domain link will purchase your new domain through Shopify and allow you to connect it to your Shopify account after making payment.

5. Click the three dots next to it

Custom domains are essential in building your brand and strengthening customer trust. Customers will find it easier to remember your store this way and you will build it quicker.

Once you have purchased or transferred a domain name, the Admin panel on Shopify allows for it to be linked up to your site – this process may take up to 48 hours.

Once verified and pointed at your online store, once set-up you can also make this the primary domain in the Admin panel by clicking its three-dot icon and choosing Make this primary domain.

6. Click Change

Switching your Shopify domain name is a straightforward process that can help strengthen brand recognition among your target market and ease customer interaction. Simply make sure that the old address redirects to the new one for maximum traffic retention and sales potential.

Shopify offers two options for buying or connecting an existing domain: you can either choose to buy new one (using Buy domain option), or connect an existing one using Domain connection option. When buying new, choose Buy domain option and enter desired name/extension combination; once registered you may also auto-renew annually as well as ensure WHOIS privacy to ensure privacy of personal data.

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7. Save

Have the same store name as your URL helps customers remember you more easily, while creating brand consistency. To change it, log into Shopify merchant dashboard and select Sales channels > Online store > Domains.

Click the ‘Change Primary Domain’ link to select a new domain. If transferring an existing one, unlock it at your domain provider first (typically by finding its settings and clicking “Unlock”). Please allow up to 48 hours for your changes to take effect.

You can check out this page to be informed about Shopify Domain Name Tips!

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