
Skills and Traits That Affect Remote Work Success

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Most participants in our samples for individual contributors and leaders were able to pinpoint skills, traits or behaviors they had gained during their remote working experience that made them more successful. Many of the skills required were ones they already possessed before transitioning to remote work; they just needed to strengthen and refine them further in order to adapt properly to this new context. One participant mentioned how having access to an easily accessible document library helped them be more productive when working remotely. This library housed their organization’s most current policies, procedures, guidelines and other documents necessary for their roles; being able to quickly retrieve this information without searching or seeking help saved time while helping them remain focused during meetings with clients or executives.

One key skill needed for remote work success was being able to communicate and collaborate effectively with colleagues using different communication tools. Both ICs and leaders agreed that trust building within their team while working remotely was crucial – something which may prove challenging without opportunities for quick bonding over coffee or dropping by someone’s desk regularly; yet both groups agreed it was still possible if communication methods were deliberated used when communicating remotely.

Remote workers need a comfortable workspace that is free from distractions in order to increase productivity and stay focused on the task at hand. This may involve creating an office space in their own home or finding a secluded corner within their building – this should help to maximize productivity and prevent distractions that would derail concentration or lead to burnout. Taking regular breaks from computer work will also help boost concentration levels and prevent burnout.

Finally, both ICs and leaders agreed that strengthening virtual soft skills and tech literacy is crucial to ensure remote work success. This was particularly evident among leaders who reported needing to enhance their technical ability so as to manage remote workers effectively while becoming adept in using various communication tools.

Finally, companies who implement remote work must be clear with their employees about expectations and how the work from home process will impact performance and promotions decisions. Being open with employees about this can help allay any concerns regarding unfair treatment of remote workers while creating an atmosphere of trust essential to remote working success.

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