Crypto AssetsInvestment

Staying Ahead Tips For High Capital Crypto

Cryptocurrency trading can be highly risky and uncertain, yet there are ways to mitigate its potential downside. Our stay ahead tips for high capital crypto can help protect yourself by helping avoid common mistakes that could compromise your account and set it on fire.

You can find tips for investing in large amounts of your capital with crypto investments with us!

Before investing in any cryptocurrency, always do some thorough research first. Don’t get caught up in the excitement surrounding new coins; rather take your time and learn as much as you can about what they’re for, who their team members are and their plans for the future – doing this will allow you to make an informed decision as opposed to following some viral meme or advice from someone like a cousin of a friend that thinks it will become the next big thing.

Staying Ahead Tips For High Capital Crypto

Keep an Eye on Market Cap

A cryptocurrency’s market capitalization (or “market cap”) is an essential metric for comparing their relative values or sizes, calculated by multiplying a coin’s price times its total circulation count – with higher numbers representing greater worth while lower ones showing lesser worth.

Understanding Crypto Jargon:

There’s an overwhelming amount of cryptocurrency jargon out there and it can be hard to comprehend; but knowing the meaning behind each term will help you avoid common crypto mistakes that could threaten to drain your trading account.


Be wary of getting caught up in the hype surrounding new cryptocurrency investments. Don’t get seduced by stories from your peers or TikTok stars about how much they are making with it; remember it takes hard work and dedication in bear markets to succeed with any form of trading asset – don’t allow emotions get the better of you; set reasonable goals that maximize profits.

Stay with the Best: For maximum protection of your funds, only buy from reliable sources. Utilize hardware wallets such as Ledger or Trezor from well-known vendors; don’t download any suspicious crypto wallets from Google Play or Apple App Store – as these could contain malware which can take control of your cryptos.

Use Tax-Loss Harvesting: Cryptocurrency investors can save on taxes by taking advantage of tax-loss harvesting. This strategy allows investors to sell cryptocurrency assets that have dropped in value before the year-end at an initial short-term capital gains rate that is lower than 37%, providing tax savings of at least 25% over what would normally be due in taxes.

To do this, borrow from an Aave or Compound liquidity pool, hold your assets for one full year and then sell. This enables you to meet the required holding period and achieve a more favorable tax rate while reducing risk in an ever-shifting crypto market. Read up on tax loss harvesting here.

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