
What is Account Transfer Correction in Adsense?

Account transfer correction (ATC) is a financial adjustment that reduces an AdSense publisher’s earnings for various reasons, including invalid traffic or violations of Google’s terms and conditions.

Invalid traffic refers to click activity which artificially inflates advertisers’ costs and publishers’ revenues, often through automated clicking tools, traffic sources or deceptive software.


Deductions in your AdSense account depend on a range of factors; some within your control and others not so much. Most often, invalid traffic and poor ad layouts cause deductions to occur.

Google refunds these amounts back to advertisers as spam click and invalid impression compensation; advertisers see these credits reflected back as credits in their AdWords accounts. This practice ensures that clicks generated by bots do not count against real clicks generated through AdWords accounts.

Deductions are a key concern among AdSense publishers and they can be an unpleasant issue to deal with. One way to minimize them is through better ad layout and setup as well as header bidding – this will increase ad revenue while decreasing deductions. But the problem persists; deductions have recently received increased attention since Google’s introduction of measures to detect invalid clicks and impressions in Q4.

Invalid Traffic

AdSense publishers must take seriously any invalid traffic that leads to account suspensions, as it may create serious difficulties for their accounts. While most site owners follow Google Adsense guidelines, some still generate invalid clicks through accidental clicks by site owners themselves or purchasing traffic from click farms; or due to noncompliant ad implementation.

Large amounts of invalid traffic can significantly devalue a publisher’s inventory, leading advertisers to reduce bids or blacklist the website entirely. Furthermore, fighting ad fraud costs money away from publisher profits.

Some forms of invalid traffic are easier than others to identify, such as Suspicious Vulnerable Traffic (SVIT) and AdSense clicks from self-owned accounts. Other forms include click-rings and traffic exchanges where individuals click their own ads as well as those of competitors; this activity should be avoided in order to protect the reputations of publishers.

Payment Hold

Payment hold is a temporary condition that prevents AdSense from sending your earnings directly. This could happen for various reasons, including not confirming your identity or address and/or choosing an acceptable form of payment; additionally it could occur due to Google reviewing your account to ensure compliance with their policies.

Maintaining regular payments from their AdSense earnings is vitally important to publishers. That’s why Google has made changes to how payments are delivered – now, more publishers in more countries can receive them via electronic funds transfer (EFT) or wire transfer, while multiple currencies are supported so publishers can receive payments in their preferred one.

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